Thursday, December 11, 2008

My views about College News Letter

This is the article sent to my boss to start college Newsletter 2 months ago and sending the same to you as part of knowledge sharing.

I got up very early in the morning with my adrenalin going
and the result was that my creative energy in me coming to the fore to write to you on something very interesting.

You need to exhort one of our cross functional team to bring about much awaited a monthly fortnightly titled KSR MIND MINERS or Path Finders exclusively for the next generation students.

Let us hope the young students voices will ring clear through these
monthly tabloid.

The objective is to enable student fraternity to reflect their hopes,dreams, their aspirations and concerns.

In a global world that is diverse rich and often conflicted,
we must bring to the fore the students ability to mould the future
and influence society in order to make a better quality of life for everyone around us.

We must invite the students to make these pages theirs in every way.
Students can use this as a forum to express their views and enhance
sensitivities and insights of their friends and peers.

I think this will be a lively vibrant platform for the free exchange of ideas, for book reviews by business school students, quiz contest
and Puzzlers to hone their lateral thinking and logical reasoning.
This can also be for fun and mind games.

Its varied fare to include Music,film review,fashion statment,book reviews,sports news ,fitness and wellness and yoga and subjects like information and communication technology which will play a big role in every student's life later.

We can have experts from the corporate sector to respopnd to students queries about their dream job of their choice.

We can also have a column called GRILL MILL for students to interview
a CEO of company.(TETE-A-TETE WITH CEO)

This will be a wonderful platform to hear students voices and their

I always believe that it is the young who hold the promise of the nation and the students ideas will shape the future.

So let us join together in these pages for students to express their views taking the space and make it happen.

Let the DNA of every student start unleashing their creative energy flowing through this platform

With Kind regards,
